Tst 2014 mains rfactor download
Tst 2014 mains rfactor download

  1. Tst 2014 mains rfactor download mod#
  2. Tst 2014 mains rfactor download skin#

This work would never be released without the original work made by Ales Ogrinc (Alless84) from United Racing Design (URD) ) and Speedracer1893 from Racedepartment as well as without the Gpxpatch by Rene Smith (SDI) and and Gp4builder by Lo2k. Please let me know if I forgot someone or made mistakes related with the author of some work in order to sort all the things out properly. Thank you to all of them who have made amazing works for the car racing simulation. Here you can find the credits to the authors who support me by giving permission to use their stuff in this mod. He is not only a genius doing cars, helmets etc, he is a great man. įinally, again I will repeat here the same thing I already wrote before in this thread : all my thanks and respect to Arnaud ( EXCALIBUR ) who had all the patience and attention with me, pushing me to go ahead despite of my limitations. Also I want to nominate the co-authors of the MOD, all of them helped me a lot to solve problems since I started the project : Gezere, Meteoro, Jucksman, AUS_Doug, TurboLover, Superman77 and Phantaman. I would like to thank all of you who, at some time of the process, pushed me to continue the work.

tst 2014 mains rfactor download

Don’t forget to ask permission for those who do not agree with the policy of sharing works in the GP4.

Tst 2014 mains rfactor download mod#

This MOD belongs to the GP4 fans, it means that you can modify it at anytime but always giving the credits to all the authors who contributed in any way to its construction. The MOD does not have many kilometers in testing and that's why some bugs are expected. txt, engine sound and CSM configuration must be done I guess. Improvements in the physics, performance. This is the first version, many things still can be improved by all of you from all the GP4 communities, it doesn’t look 100% perfect to the real DTM but this is the best what I could do.

tst 2014 mains rfactor download

Based on these great works, I decided to make a CSM DTM MOD 2015, my last contribution to the community before leave the GP4 forever.

tst 2014 mains rfactor download

Tst 2014 mains rfactor download skin#

Recently, I found a amazing Rfactor DTM MOD made by the URD team and, finally, got a very well done skin package made by Speedracer1893. Meteoro has converted a DTM MOD from Rfactor to GP4 which was released as the DTM MOD 2013. Konstantin, Mark, Ulf & Tony have released a DTM MOD in 2005 which was updated by them in 2006.

Tst 2014 mains rfactor download